NCS colours

Here you can get a source of inspiration of NCS colours!

NCS 2020-B10G

NCS 3030-B

NCS 3060-R90B

NCS 3020-R50B

NCS 4030-R50B

NCS 1085-Y80R

NCS 2070-R

NCS 4050-R

NCS 2040-Y60R

NCS 1070-Y50R

NCS 0520-Y10R

NCS 0550-Y10R

NCS 3020-G10Y

NCS 5030-G10Y

NCS 2010-Y30R

NCS 2020-Y30R

NCS 2500-N

NCS 4000-N



The colours cannot be reproduced exactly due to technical reasons.
To get the exact colour we recommend you to contact a Paint dealer.